Our Services
We strive to provide many more services than just your local cattle auction.
Below are some of our other services that we enjoy offering to our producers.
Farm Visits
We enjoy getting to know each producers operation and offering marketing advice based on their specific program. We strive to add to value to the program of each and every producer that we serve.
We facilitate many herd appraisals each year. The need for this service may vary, but we are glad to provide this service to our producers.
Presale advertising can make all the difference in a producer’s bottom dollar. Unlike many competitors we utilize all forms of advertising including radio, social media, newspapers, and paid email blasts. We believe in spending our money to increase your profit.
Order Buying
If you can’t spend your Tuesdays in the sale barn? Give us a call with your purchasing needs. We offer in-house order buying services and also have great relationships with bonded local order buyers that can work for you.
Online Bidding
Available during both our weekly Tuesday sales and our Special Replacement Stock Sales, watch or participate online at DVAuction. Pre-registration for bidding must be completed prior to bidding access being granted. Complete the Buyer’s Application and Consent Agreement and return to FairviewLivestockAuction@gmail.com.
Cattle Hauling and Gathering Coordination
Through great relationships with local livestock haulers and cowboys, we can arrange gathering and hauling needs to fit the producer’s schedule.
Weekly Market Reports
We believe in offering a transparent and accessible market report each week. These can be viewed on our facebook page or the market report tab or heard on the radio. Click this link to view past market reports.

220 W State Road
Box 324
Fairview, Oklahoma 73737
Sales Office:
Fax: 580-227-3911
Cale Cell: 405-612-5836
Website Design By Ranch House Designs, inc.